Sunday, January 26, 2020
Sociodemographic Characteristics of Community Colleg
Sociodemographic Characteristics of Community Colleg This chapter presents the results of the study. Included are an analysis of the five research questions and the six hypotheses of the study. This chapter concludes with a summary of the information presented in this chapter concerning the quantitative statistical findings of this study. As previously indicated, job satisfaction is a term that is difficult to describe as a single construct, and the definition of job satisfaction varies between studies (Morice Murray, 2003; Protheroe, Lewis Paik, 2002; and Singer, 1995). In higher education, a number of researchers have discussed the importance of continuous research on job satisfaction among community college faculty (Bright, 2002; Green, 2000; McBride, Munday, Tunnell, 1992; Milosheff, 1990; Hutton Jobe, 1985; and Benoit Smith 1980). A reason suggested for the continuous study of community college faculty, is the value of data received from such studies in developing and improving community college faculty and their practices (Truell, Price, Joyner, 1998). The purpose of this study was to examine job satisfaction of community college instructional faculty in regards to their role as teachers. Analysis of Research Questions Research question one sort to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of community college instructional faculty. This research question included three variables (gender, age, and race/ethnicity). Sociodemographic Characteristics Gender There were 371 participants in the sample, of which 188 were male and 183 were female. In regards to gender, the analysis showed that 51% of the sample size included males and 49% of the sample size were female. Table 1 identifies the frequency and percentage results as they relate to gender of community college faculty. Table 1. Gender Distribution of Community College Instructional Faculty Gender Percent Frequency Male 51% 188 Female 49% 183 Total 100% 371 Age The sample size consisted of 371 participants. For age, the analysis displayed that 16% of the faculty were both under 30 and between ages 30 and 34 while17% were between ages 35 and 39. 15% of community college instructional faculty were between 40 and 44, while 14% were in the age range of 45 to 50. The last age range consisted of participants who were 50 or over, which was 21%. Even though the largest percentage of faculty members are 50 or over, faculty members who are 34 or under total 32% which indicates that the majority of faculty are under the age of 34. Table 2 identifies the frequency and percentage results as they relate to the variable of age of community college faculty. Table 2. Age Distribution of Community College Instructional Faculty Age Percent Frequency Under 30 16% 60 30-34 16% 60 35-39 17% 65 40-44 15% 57 45-49 14% 51 50 and over 21% 79 Total 100% 371 Race and Ethnicity The sample size consisted of 371 participants. The variable race/ethnicity showed that 83% of the participants were White, Non-Hispanic; 7% were Black, Non-Hispanics; 3% were Asian, Non-Hispanics; 1% were both American Indian, Non-Hispanics and Pacific Islanders Non-Hispanics; 2% were More than one race, Non-Hispanic; and 5% were Hispanics. Over 80% of the participants (308) were White, Non-Hispanic. Table 3 identifies the frequencies and percentages for the variable of race/ethnicity. Table 3. Race/Ethnicity of Community College Instructional Faculty Race/Ethnicity Percent Frequency White, Non-Hispanic 83% 308 Black, Non-Hispanic 7% 25 Asian, Non-Hispanic 3% 11 American Indian, Non-Hispanic 1% 1 Pacific Islanders, Non-Hispanic 1% 1 More than one race, Non-Hispanic 2% 7 Hispanics 5% 18 Total 100% 371 Research question two sort to describe the nature of employment characteristics of community college instructional faculty. This research question included three variables (rank, employment status, and tenure status). Nature of Employment Characteristics Employment Status There were 371 participants in the sample, of which 126 were employed full time and 245 were employed part time. In regards to employment status, the analysis showed that 34% of the sample size was employed full time and 66% of the sample size were employed part time. Table 4 identifies the frequency and percentage results as it relates to employment status of community college faculty. Table 4. Employment Status Distribution of Community College Instructional Faculty Employment Status Percent Frequency Full time 34% 126 Part time 66% 245 Total 100% 371 Rank The sample size consisted of 371 participants. In regards to rank, the analysis displayed that 9% of the sample size was identified as professors. Associate professors were identified at 5% of the sample size while Assistant professors were identified at 4%. Instructors were identified as 45% of the participants and lecturers were identified at 2%. Faculty with other titles were identified at 30% and 5% of the participants answered the question as not applicable. More than 40% of the participants (167) were identified as instructors. Table 5 identifies the frequency and percentage results as they relate to the ranking of community college faculty. Table 5. Rank Distribution of Community College Instructional Faculty Rank Percent Frequency Professor 9% 30 Associate professor 5% 19 Assistant professor 4% 15 Instructor 45% 167 Lecturer 2% 7 Other titles 30% 111 Not applicable 5% 22 Total 100% 371 Tenure Status The sample size consisted of 371 participants. In regards to tenure status, the analysis showed that 18% of the faculty were tenured; 6% of faculty were on a tenure track, but are not tenured; and 76% of faculty are not on a tenure track. More than 70% of the participants (282) were identified as faculty not on a tenure track. Table 6 identifies the frequency and percentage results as they relate to the tenure status of community college faculty. Table 6. Tenure Status of Community College Instructional Faculty Tenure Status Percent Frequency Tenured 18% 67 On tenure track, but not tenured 6% 22 Not on tenure track 76% 282 Total 100% 371 Job Satisfaction of Community College Instructional Faculty Research question three was designed to describe the job satisfaction of community college instructional faculty based on the eight components (Authority to make decisions; Benefits; Equipment/facilities; Instructional support; Overall; Salary; Technology-based activities; and Workload) of job satisfaction from the National Study of Postsecondary Faculty Survey NSOPF: 04. The sample size consisted of 366 participants. In regards to job satisfaction, the analysis showed that 73% of the faculty were very satisfied with authority to make decision; 34% of faculty were somewhat satisfied with benefits; 44% of faculty were very satisfied with equipment and facilities; 40% were somewhat satisfied with instructional support; 55% were very satisfied with overall job satisfaction; 42% were somewhat satisfied with salary; 53% were very satisfied with technology-based activities; and 50% of faculty were very satisfied with workload. Table 6 identifies the frequency and percentage results as they relate to the job satisfaction of community college faculty. Table 7. Job Satisfaction of Community College Instructional Faculty Satisfaction Percent Frequency Authority to Make Decisions Very satisfied 73% 268 Somewhat satisfied 22% 81 Somewhat dissatisfied 4% 14 Very dissatisfied 1% 4 Total 100 366 Benefits Very satisfied 27% 106 Somewhat satisfied 34% 127 Somewhat dissatisfied 19% 70 Very dissatisfied 18% 67 Total 100 371 Equipment/facilities Very satisfied 44% 161 Somewhat satisfied 38% 140 Somewhat dissatisfied 14% 51 Very dissatisfied 4% 15 Total 100 366 Instructional support Very satisfied 37% 134 Somewhat satisfied 40% 147 Somewhat dissatisfied 17% 62 Very dissatisfied 6% 23 Total 100 366 Job overall Very satisfied 55% 203 Somewhat satisfied 38% 141 Somewhat dissatisfied 6% 22 Very dissatisfied 1% 5 Total 100 371 Salary Very satisfied 29% 106 Somewhat satisfied 42% 157 Somewhat dissatisfied 18% 67 Very dissatisfied 11% 41 Total 100 371 Technology-based activities Very satisfied 53% 195 Somewhat satisfied 35% 129 Somewhat dissatisfied 9% 32 Very dissatisfied 3% 10 Total 100 366 Workload Very satisfied 50% 187 Somewhat satisfied 34% 127 Somewhat dissatisfied 11% 41 Very dissatisfied 4% 17 Total 100 371 Predictive Relationship between Sociodemographic Characteristics, Nature of Employment Characteristics and Job Satisfaction Research questions four and five examined the predictive relationship between gender, nature of employment, (rank, employment s
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